New Release
Towards Divided India
In this book, J.B.P. More explores the role of the Congress leaders from Bal Gangadhar Tilak to Mahatma Gandhi in the Struggle for freedom from British Colonial rule. The author has established in this work the ways by which the Congress leaders estranged the Muslims. It also explores how Jinnah had shot himself on his foot when it was least necessary bydemanding Pakistan, so ill-suited to the interests of the Muslims

J.B.Prashant More is a historian of international repute. He was born in Pondicherry on 28th August 1955. He studied at St.Joseph of Cluny school and Petit Seminaire, Pondicherry. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Tagore Arts College, Pondicherry, he proceeded to France for higher studies. He obtained a Ph.D in History at the renowned Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He is member of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. After facing several setbacks in his scholarly pursuit, he took to writing history.
Complete Series
Since 2001 Prashant More has authored more than fifteen books and several articles. He is a specialist of south Indian history, especially Muslim and Dravidian history as well as the colonial history of India. His book on the Partition of India remains unchallenged to this day. He writes in French, English and Tamil. Currently he teaches at Inseec, Paris.

Upcoming Book
In this book, J.B.P. More explores the role of the Congress leaders from Bal Gangadhar Tilak to Mahatma Gandhi in the Struggle for freedom from British Colonial rule. The author has established in this work the ways by which the Congress leaders estranged the Muslims.
It also explores how Jinnah had shot himself on his foot when it was least necessary bydemanding Pakistan, so ill-suited to the interests of the Muslims